Term 4
Week 7 Term 4 |
Spelling- Practise your words- tested FridayReading- aim for 30 mins- Checked on Friday
Spellodrome 10-15 minutes each day |
Week 3
Reading- aim for 30 mins
Spelling Speeches are due next Monday- Make sure you have written your palm cards and practised your speech at home. 1min30-2min minimum |
Week 2
Week 1
Goal Setting Activity- Work Completion Due Wednesday
Spelling - complete Keynote Due Friday Science- Work Completion- See the light & Diagram |
Term 3
Week 9
Week 9 Spelling: Use Quizlet, Keynote, Minecraft or Scratch to practice your spelling words
Reading: Mon-Fri Minimum of 20 minutes Reading Comprehension (Complete in a pages Doc) Handout (For one of the answers you need to create a venn diagram. If you have forgotten how there is a video tutorial on the right. Maths- Double digit Multiplication Watch the Video clip on the right (as many times as you need and you can also watch while you complete your handout) Handout Practice your multiplication skills on these games below. |
Week 8
Week 8 Spelling: Use Quizlet, Keynote, Minecraft or Scratch to practice your spelling words
Reading: Mon-Fri Minimum of 20 minutes Maths Before completing the Maths Homework go here to learn how to use a function table. Also, go to www.learnzillion.com Click on 'I have a quick code' and enter LZ790 . Work through the videos and guided practice. I have also included a video below to help. Maths Year 4 Maths Year 5 Practice Finding the Rule http://www.mathplayground.com/functionmachine.html Watch my video clip on 'Finding the Rule'. |
Week 3
Week 2 Spelling: Use Quizlet, Keynote or Scratch to display your definitions, sentences and pictures (where possible)
Reading: Mon-Fri Minimum of 20 minutes Maths: Complete 1 Mathletics Task each night. (Total of 5 for the week min) |
Week 2
Please remember to bring in your note and money for WASO excursion ASAP. Thank you!
Week 1
Week 1 Spelling: Click on the Quizlet sign (on the right). Quizlet enables you to make flashcards to assist in learning the definitions of your words and the spelling. Create a free account. Use Quizlet to practice your spelling words.
Reading: Mon-Fri Minimum of 15 minutes Maths: Year 4 & 5 Finding Approximate Answers Maths: Year 4 & 5 Digit Addition with Regrouping (If you need a refresher on how to add with regrouping check out the clip below.) |
Are you keeping up to date with your Mathletics tasks? Click on the picture above to go there now!!
Term 2
Week 9 Term 2 |
Week 9 Spelling: Practice your words. Complete your Keynote or Scratch Project (Scratch needs Sprites to match up words with definitions.
Reading: Mon- Fri Minimum 15 mins * This week we are timing our automatic recall of division by 7. |
Week 8
Week 8 Spelling: Practice your words. Complete your Keynote or Scratch Project (Scratch needs Sprites to match up words with definitions.
Reading: Mon- Fri Minimum 15 mins * This week we are timing our automatic recall of division by 6. |
Students will be completing their storyboards and iMovies, on a place of significance in WA. Check out the project here. Students will have 1 hr class time to complete storyboards and 1 hr for the video taping/ editing process. Students have previously been given class time and some students have already handed these projects in. Anything not completed in class time will be homework.
Wk 7
Spelling- Scratch project or Keynote
Reading- Every Night Health Interview (Due Tue) and Poster (Due Friday) * This week we are timing our automatic recall of division by 4. |
* Most students have handed in their idiom posters, fraction bar/ equivalent fraction chart and their probability spinners. For those who haven't the last day is Wednesday.
Wk 3 T2 |
Addition Problems Complete in your Maths Books
Multiplication Pre-Test Practice- Online (Take a screen shot of your reseluts.)
Remember- Spelling Test on Friday and Italian Test on Thursday.
Use Keynote to study for these. |
WK11 |
Log onto Edmodo and complete the main idea quiz. Due Friday
Mon- and Fri
Times Table Practice: Students have been told which times tables they need to practice. Some are working on their 3x tables others on their 2,5,10's others on their 6's and 7's. Students can use online games or create their own keynote or flash cards to help them memorise the facts and handouts will be given out tomorrow to help them revise. The goal is speed and accuracy. Reading: Students should be reading every night Monday to Friday. They then need to get their books signed. I have asked for at least 15mins to be set aside for reading each day, however the more they read the better readers they will become. Spelling: Students have their new spelling words and should be tested on them regularly during the week. They have also been asked to create a Keynote Presentation with their vocabulary words. This will help them remember the definitions during Vocab Stepback, which the students enjoy playing. Please note that Spelling Words may not be the same for all students however they all have the same Vocabulary words. Unfinished Work: Students will be asked to bring home any unfinished work. |
Times Table Practice
Reading: Students should be reading every night Monday to Friday. They then need to get their books signed. I have asked for at least 15mins to be set aside for reading each day, however the more they read the better readers they will become. Spelling: Students have their new spelling words and should be tested on them regularly during the week. They have also been asked to create a Keynote Presentation with their vocabulary words. This will help them remember the definitions during Vocab Stepback, which the students enjoy playing. Please note that Spelling Words may not be the same for all students however they all have the same Vocabulary words. Unfinished Work: Students will be asked to bring home any unfinished work. ![]()
WK 5 |
Year 4 Maths Pg1
Week 5 Spelling |
Polygon Project Due 15th March |
Polygon Project Due on the 15th (see Geometry/ Maths and Parents Page for more information)
WK 7 |